Friday, October 24, 2008

The Final Word

SRD 364 has been completed. I can not believe how fast the semester has gone. And I am amazed at how much I have achieved this semester.

SRD 364 was a challenging unit but also a great one because the projects were more realistic, in particular Projects 2 +3. I learn't a great deal as well. Two things I have learn't this semester I can list off the top of my head are; 1. How to make a video using movie maker and 2. How to make a model using the laser cutter!

Of course I couldn't have done it alone, (and I didn't) so a thanks goes out to my fabulous group 16 members; Koula and Emma. We can truely say that we worked hard this semester because we really did. I can't even remember how many times we met up at Emma's apartment (central meeting point) to work on Projects 1 + 2 and all the times we worked in the studio from 9-5. This is a huge effort considering we all live in Melbourne and we all catch the vline train to and from uni. But I guess looking back now this was probably a positive. Oh and I can't forget to mention that I believe our group worked successfully because we all contributed equally; Koula contributed her knowledge, Emma contributed her laptop and I contributed the biscuits which I would bring to class nearly every Thursday! LOL.

Thanks guys, I feel lucky to have had such a good group and I hope that you have achieved as much out of the projects as I have.


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